- June 10, 1986 to June 21, 1986
"He seems to have an unfailing ability to come up with brilliant little assemblage works pieces together in an inspired way from junk and discarded objects.... It's virtually impossible to describe these works... these are not jsut silly, fun pieces, however, because they do have powerful messages and are often poignant and moving."
By Gary Ouimet
artist | 2 Programs
Artists Gary Ouimet- April 2, 1991 to December 20, 1991
These works are a response to the current war hysteria and the notion we haven't transcended those aspirations of being male. The title, Lay Down and Be Counted, is both a reflection of apathy and a reaction to those ideals of manhood, Ouimet considers these photographs as "sad images to live up to." Ouimet's work is seldom literal: he evokes more than he states.
By Gary Ouimet