- September 6, 1994 to September 23, 1994
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By Danielle Peacock, Garry Ross, Georgie Haggerty, Hillary Wood, June Katz, Ken Gerberick, Louis Gunnlaugson, Razom Sestre, Sammy Sammy, Spike
artist | 2 Programs
Artists Sammy Sammy- February 3, 1987 to February 14, 1987
Sammy Sammy, the legend of Hornby Island has come to grunt, despite his urgings that grunt should come to him. "Bring them all up here," he said, to his Place of the Woods where he creates his masterpieces of folk art. For those who have never heard of him, Sammy Sammy was a poet, philosopher, troubadour, cowboy who made sculptures out of reinforced concrete that were "suitable for decorations in flower beds or lawns." He worked with cement, moss, concrete, and paint (among other things) to create raw, stark pieces of folk art. http://www.firstvisionart.com/daina/sammy.html
By George dePape, Sammy Sammy