- January 24, 2007 to January 28, 2007
A sport utility vehicle is still fuming after having exploded. This hyper-realistic scene depicts a terrorist attack simultaneously incriminating the automobile industry, rampant consumerism and governments. This intervention will heighten the public's awareness fo the perverse effects of these gas-guzzling, power-hungry vehicles.
By ATSA, L'Action Terroriste Socialment Acceptable
date | 12 Programs
Dates 2007- January 5, 2007 to February 10, 2007
The performance iwll be about 30 to 40 minutes, part of the opening night and includes the video screening of The Fish Film, centered between the silver cloth panels. An important part are two slide projectors mounted at a 45 degree angle to the 'screen', containing specific slides (stills0 from the moving image. The video is projected not onto a screen, per se, but into wide sheets of quality drawing paper. My own actions consist of entering into the freeze-framed image of the film at which point the two projectors replicate the same image.
By Carole Itter