Jeremy Turner
Gallery 536, with the support of grunt gallery, is proud to present the world's first Online Avatar Talent Show - a virtual online talent show in a 3D video game like environment. Participants will be drawn from the Traveler online community, and thus will hail from around the globe. The talent categories will include Spoken Word, Comedy, Dance and Music. A winner from each will be selected by audience members in attendance at grunt and notified via email. This even in the second in a series exploring performance using the internet within a live audience context.
536 proposes to host/curate an online talent show in "The Cellar", a chat space within the On Live virtual chatroom world. Local artists as well as non-avatar participants and enthusiasts from all over the world will be invited to share their performing arts and talents. The show will be scheduled in detail beforehand, although all performances will be 'live' and the event will be projected onto a screen inside the gallery.
April 4, 2002
2002.0404 AVA
PerformancePerformance, Web Art
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